Recycling |
Recycling is the process of making new products from a product that has served its purpose. The first step in this process is sorting our rubbish. In most homes, schools, businesses and outdoor recreation areas there are different bins for different sorts of rubbish. Children can help with recycling from an early age and it can be fun.
On opening the activity, a scene appears of a room with a conveyor belt and four different bins nearby.
Each bin is for a different type of waste.
The bins will be named in turn when clicked.
Items will roll along the belt and children can click and drag each item to the corresponding bin. If placed into the wrong bin, the item will bounce back into its original position. When all the items have been sorted correctly there is cheering and a new set of items will appear.
To exit, click on the small hand in the upper left corner of the screen.
Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Outcome 4: Children are involved and confident learners
Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators
Identifying everyday household items
Identifying what these items are made of
Mouse control - single click
Mouse control - click and drag
Encourage children to talk to each other and work collaboratively whilst playing this activity. They can help each other identify items, what they are made of and into which bin they should be placed.
Use the game to start some discussion topics: